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Sapphire Heaven

Michelle Louise

The classic engagement ring is a round white diamond... but what if you want something other than a diamond, a splash of colour?!
With soo many coloured gemstones out there, how do you make the right decision....
What you want to do, is remember that this a ring that will be worn everyday for the rest of your lives, so you want to make sure the gemstone can withstand this love!
A Sapphire is a beautiful choice, from the gemstone family of Corundum, it is the next gemstone underneath Diamond on the hardness scale known as Mohs Scale. The below image I thought was a great example, as it shows you common items that we all know to give you some perspective.
"Sapphire is a variety of Corundum, an aluminum oxide mineral that forms in prismatic tabular, bipyramidal or rhombohedral crystals, as well as granular or massive habits, and may be transparent to opaque. Blue is considered Sapphire’s “true” color and the one most often recognized, though Sapphire does form in a diversity of colors (listed below), and will have the color added to its name (for example: Green Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire). Additional mineral compounds forming with aluminum oxide are responsible for the different coloration, and in the case of Blue Sapphire, iron and titanium provide its heavenly hues. With the exception of Red Corundum, which is Ruby, all other colors of Corundum are Sapphires. [Mella, 103][Simmons, 339][]"

Far before diamond became popular by an incredible marketing campaign run by Debeers, Sapphire was the choice for luxury, selected for their beauty by many royals and elite! "In Hebrew lore, King Solomon and Abraham both wore talismans of Sapphire, and the Law given to Moses on the Mount was said to be engraved on tablets of Sapphire. The Greeks wore it for wisdom at Delphi when seeking answers from the Oracle at Apollo’s Shrine. Buddhists believed it brought devotion and spiritual enlightenment, and the Hindus considered Sapphire as one of the “great gems” used in offerings in the temples for worship and to align astrological influences. In Christianity it was used in ecclesiastical rings, and was cherished by kings and nobility for its powers of protection and insight. [Kunz, 104, 241][Mella, 103][Eason, 247][Fernie, 96, 102-103]"

Now this gorgeous gemstone represents the modern bride, a vibrant splash of colour which reflects the individual beauty of the wearer. With a stunning array of colours from the classic blue, through pinks, greens & yellows... there will always be a choice that fits perfectly.

Most special about a Sapphire engagement ring, is the fact that no Sapphire is ever the same, the cut & faceting which create the sparkle and shape combined with the wide array of colours and hues. The beauty of the gem will be in the eye of the beholder... finding the perfect colour hue to your eye - the right gem will make your heart skip a beat!

For more information on Sapphire or engagement ring designs, please email me at:

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